Important! Lots of scheduling information for the holiday season!
Confession before Christmas
December 16
St. Demetrius- after Divine Liturgy
December 23
St. John's- after Divine Liturgy
Christmas Eve, Blessing of the Bread
December 24
7:00AM- St. John's- Liturgy and Blessing of Bread
9:00AM- St. Demetrius- Blessing of Bread
10:30AM- UCI Dickinson- Blessing of Bread
*The Blessing of Bread is for every family to take home a loaf to break and share at their Holy Supper on Christmas Eve. A gift from Fr. Ivan and Olena.
December 25
8:00AM- St. John's- Christmas Liturgy
10:00AM- St. Demetrius- Christmas Liturgy
December 26
9:00AM- St. Demetrius- Synaxis of the Theotokos
December 27
9:00AM- St. John's- Feast of St. Stephen
December 30
8:0AM- St. John's- Regular Sunday after Christmas
10:00AM- St. Demetrius- Regular Sunday after Christmas
2019! Happy New Year!
January 1
9:00AM- St. John's- Thank you for the past year and Blessing for the New Year
January 5
2:00PM- St. John's- Divine Liturgy and Blessing of Water
3:00PM- Holy Supper with all parishioners of St. John's & St. Demetrius
January 6
8:00AM- St. John's- Feast of Theophany
10:00AM- St. Demetrius- Feast of Theophany
Blessing Of The Homes
January 7
Begin Blessing of Homes. Everyone needs to be present when Fr. Ivan and Deacon Leonard arrive to bless the home.
