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Христос Раждається! Christ is born!

Christmas greetings from Fr. Myroslav

"Christ is born, glorify him!

Christ came from heaven, welcome Him!

Christ is on earth, exult!

Sing to the Lord all the earth,

Joyfully praise Him all you nations,

For He has become glorious!"

Христос Раждається! Christ is born!

Dear brothers and sisters! With these inspiring words, Saint Gregory of Nazians began his famous sermon On the Nativity, which was later incorporated into the Canon of the Nativity by St. Cosmas of Maiuma. We can also trace the origin of our traditional Christmas greetings: Christ is born! Glorify Him! to this source.

Christmas, a feast full of joy, full of blessing. The beautiful songs, carols, songs of praise to the Lord, resound in the sky. The birth of Jesus Christ is a celebration of joy!

God sent his Son Jesus to lead us back to Him. Like a light in the darkness, Jesus is shows us the way to the Father. He is light against darkness. This feast reminds us how much God loves us. Through the birth of Christ the whole universe is renewed, sanctified and recreated. Jesus was born our sake and our salvation!

All humanity is called to this event as shown through the different scenes. The wise men represent the learned and astute, and shepherds represent the humble of this world. The multitude of angels are present to give glory to God and to announce the good news to humanity.

One of the greatest highlights of the feast of the Nativity of Our Lord is the solemn celebration of the Great Compline with Lytija). After the somber recitation of the chosen Psalms, suddenly the joyous singing of the Song of Isaiah, “God is with us” (“Z namy Boh”) is intoned. The faithful respond with a joy and exultation that fills the church proclaiming the mysterious Birth of the Son of God.

The Incarnation of the Son of God is the eternal divine plan for salvation: “God so loved the world that his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may have eternal life” (Jn. 3, 16). Creation joyfully welcomes God in the flesh, bearing gifts for the newborn Child: angels – their song; the heavens – a star; the magi – gold, frankincense, and myrrh; the shepherds – their wonder; the earth – a cave; the deserted place – a manger; humankind – the Virgin Mother. The mystery of the Nativity, namely God’s entry into human history, continues to this day: “Today has God come upon earth, and the human race gone up to heaven” (Menaion, December 25).

May the Babe Jesus bring to all of you heavenly peace, great joy and happiness.

Merry Christmas to you!!!

Rev. Myroslav Dumych

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